What's New,

  The events held on the weekend of November the 11th an 17th &18th  raised over £1500 for the Royal British Legion Poppy Fund. I would like to thank members of the Hale Art Group for painting 113 pebbles with the names of our World War 1 Heroes that were available by voluntary donation and placed around the village. Also thank you everyone who attended our events and the Last Post Ceremonies. Thanks also to Farnham Town Council who erected the Bunting and the Silent Soldier, the bunting received an awful battering from the storm and was reset twice.

See the publications page for a review of our latest book -  Public Houses of Hog Hatch, Upper Hale, & Heath End 1800–1940

The Hale Mortuary Chapels  The Project has created a Task Group with the aim of saving these historic chapels.
The committee for the Task Group, which consists of myself (Geoff Wallis) as Chairman, David Beaman, Alan Corcoran, Pat Heather, Neil MacDonald, Peter Minett, and Julia Potts, has held a number of meetings and has made good contact with Farnham Town Council.  
The Farnham Town Council has been very supportive, and a presentation has recently been made to its Strategy and Finance Working Group. 
The Task Group has also made contact with the Farnham Society and the Farnham Buildings Preservation Trust, and both have indicated their initial support.  Robin Crane, of Robin Crane Associates, the architect of the current proposal, has also stated that he is willing to work with us. 
The Project invites the people of Hale and beyond to support this initiative in any way possible.  Please see our contact page. 

The Task Group has now been disbanded following the acceptance of our proposals at the recent full meeting of the Farnham Town Council. A Hale Chapels Trust has now been set up and we are applying to become a registered charity. Trustees of the trust are, Geoff Wallis Chairman, John Ely (secretary)  Peter Minett, and Helga Stelzhammer. . The trustees have met with Iain Lynch (town Clerk) and Robin Crane (architect) and we are applying for planning permission in the next week or so.
We will of course be working in partnership with Farnham Town Council.
The Planning application has now gone in, you can help us by giving your support in commenting on line.
Just type in WA/2016/0265 and add your comment in favour of our proposals.

Great News! Planning approval has been given! We can now start to apply for funding to various bodies including the National Lottery Fund. To show our support, we are launching a local appeal. Please make any donations payable to 'Hale History Project' mark 'Chapels' on the back of your cheque please. Bring donations to any Coffee Morning, or send to me, Geoff Wallis 2 Old Heath Way Farnham Surrey GU9 0QP 
The Hale Chapels Trust are about to make a further application to the Heritage Lottery Fund. If you are interested in the future hiring of this proposed facility, please contact me. Geoff Wallis 01252 711993

See also our page 'Hale Mortuary Chapels'


Following the unsuccessful lottery bid, we will hopefully update the situation at the May Coffee Morning.

Recent Addition to the Archives:  

1936 the wedding party of Stella Othen outside one of the huts on Brickbury Hill Upper Hale.  

(ref. 5029)  Photograph donated by Brian Ballard. 

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